hot fishin'



Season Starts, N/A
Tickets Entry Closes, N/A

To Buy A Ticket

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    choose ticket

    When you buy a ticket, you can enter the match category standard that aligns with the competition you participate in the most. There are three categories: club matches, open matches, and major matches. Each category requires a £30 ticket.

    By purchasing this ticket, you become eligible for the prizes associated with the chosen match category. Additionally, you automatically enter the overall country winner prizes at no extra cost.

    If you participate in multiple match standards, you have the option to purchase separate £30 tickets for each of them.


    Every week, your matches earn points based on your ranking. The first-place position receives 10 points, while the tenth-place position receives 1 point.

    Additionally, there is a 5% bonus on points for matches with over 15 participants to reward winning in larger matches. For further information, please refer to the rules.

    At the end of the 13-week season, the person with the highest cumulative points wins prizes.

    win prizes

    Depending on the match category you enter you will prizes.

    If you participate in more than one match per week, we will use your best session for scoring purposes.

    Throughout the 13-week season, we use your top 10 sessions only.

    Results will be updated every Wednesday, including the results from the previous week’s matches. Organisers have a maximum of two weeks after the match deadline to update the results.

    Check Out The Rules